Claire ROCHE

PhD, Meshing Software Engineer

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I am currently a Meshing Software Engineer, working at Siemens Digital Industry Software. I defended my PhD work on Hexahedral Curved Block-Structured Mesh Generation for Atmospheric Re-Entry in October, 2024. This thesis aims to provide a method to generate automatic hexahedral block-structured mesh dedicated to a Computational Fluid Dynamics code, developed for atmospheric re-entry. These simulations require a very strong control of cell size and direction in the domain. Most of the time, these meshes are generated by hand using dedicated software and take a huge amount of time. In this work, under conditions on the physical domains to mesh, we developped an algorithm to generate these meshes most automatically in 2D and 3D. The following animation aims to demonstrate the different steps of the algorithm developed during my PhD to generate block-structured meshes suitable for Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of flows around vehicles during atmospheric re-entry.